Have a listen to it. We want to introduce the topic of Body Image, and Self esteem. Since Audrey Star considers herself to be a role model as much as a model, she have started an edition. Join the Conversation at this link on my Facebook page Please explore our edition and our social media Twitter: https://x.com/MISSAUDREYSTAR/status/163492309101576192 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/audrey.star.9/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audreystaractor/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supermodelaudreystar/ YouTube: https://youtu.be/EA9xUKyEImM?si=0Sgbdx4pUGuHJa71 You tube: https://youtu.be/OMCZYI2W73I?si=gJVnDqbu2LjcdvNK You tube: https://youtu.be/MGAG4-AKG90?si=wSPATkrEbsDo45O1 You tube: https://youtu.be/zHFK_W3BRac?si=KS4pO3LWeRC9cPA8 https://bajetharian.com/news/audrey-star-empowers-and-transforms-lives-through-coaching-advice-and-mentoring-on-socialize-social-network/448773 https://imageaudreystarblogspot.com/ It is a n...
Body Image & Self Esteem Woman + Body Image The "YOU-NESS" campaign is outstanding for itself. So few women can speak up what natural beauty means. That' s what women from the 1930's remind me of it . Their face expression, hair and make up were outstanding. That's why I'm here to challenge every women to be beautiful coming from the inside to the outside. Rule # 1 1) Be yourself. 2) Be confidence. 3) Make up is not important a little lipstick will do. 4) If you do want to wear a lots of make up because that will build your confidence do it. 5) If you look yourself in front of a mirror, love yourself don't matter what you look like. Be tune for more rules that will be upcoming as soon as possible. xoxo Audrey Star
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