Gourmet & Supermodel

“Love Seafood” Fit & Fitness & Diet Shrimp Sauce Nutritional Information Grams per Serving: 125 g Calories: 81.70 kcal Carbohydrates: 5.88g Proteins:10.51g Total fat: 1.54 g fat Saturated: 0.00 g fibers: 0.25g Shrimp & Sauce ©™ INGREDIENTS 1 kg shrimp cleaned and peeled 2 chopped tomatoes 2 chopped onions 1 chopped bell pepper Oil 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup chopped cilantro Salt, pepper to taste Preparation Mode Season the shrimp with salt and black pepper to taste about 15 minutes beforehand. Put enough oil in the pan and let it heat up. Place the onion, tomato and bell pepper in the hot oil and cover the pan. Let the vegetables steam until they soften. Place the seasoned shrimp in the pan on top of the vegetables without stirring and cover for 5 minutes. Put the tomato sauce and stir. Add the coconut milk and coriander and stir. Tampe, let cook for up to 8 minutes and turn it off. Don't let it cook any longer, as the shrimp can get ...