
Showing posts from August, 2022

Body Image & Self Esteem

Body  Image & Self Esteem The ones who aspire to get a firm body need to concentrate on many things. But the most crucial thing is protein. Without this, muscle does not form, and all your exercise effects will not become visible. However, nutrients are not everything. You need to have the right amount of fat,  carbs , minerals, vitamins, and water. Indeed, you will get all these from food and if you make a well-planned diet.  You know that protein from animals is good to build muscles. However, it comes with the risk of cholesterol and saturated fat. If you are looking to get a firm body without risking your heart, opt for skinless chicken. You can get 32 grams of protein without fat from a large fillet. In case you like red meat, use lean cuts such as rump, limp, and duckling.  You know that protein from animals is good to build muscles. However, it comes with the risk of cholesterol and saturated fat. If you are looking to get a firm body without risking your ...


  AUDREY'S DEFINING MOMENT  @MISSAUDREYSTAR one of my defining moments  is pursuing my career as a actor & realizing all of the gifts in the world!  By sharing the story of our lives through my artistry as an actor is pure magic!  Acting has always been a passion of mine, but making that inital step, and overcoming my fears was when it sparked.  It has since become my desire to share those emotions.  The passion, the pain, the fear, and the happiness as beautiful strokes on screen, that is the canvas of our reality.
  "YOU-NESS" The "YOU-NESS" campaign is growing : Let's get tight and go with the tips The main goal : Get the best body ever!